things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and
reverence the more often and more steadily one reflects on them, the
starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.” ― Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant is without a doubt my favorite philosopher. Cranky
and inflexible- he embodies the true character of what it means to be
German- Old School German that is. An old quote from a historic novel
comes to mind when I think about Kant; “To be German - is to be Impartial.” Man of Straw
by Heinrich Mann. (When I read that line in the novel I cackled LOUDLY.
It describes me, and so many Germans to a T. It made me giggle, shake
my head and consider that I man need to lighten up every now and again.)
How true that statement sill is. I grew up in
Germany with strict
rules and was given a strong backbone of morality and ethics by my
Mother and Father and my extended German Family. A constant stream of
what one should do- for the sake of good in and of itself. It’s no
surprise that Moral Philosophy has become my all time favorite.
is what separates us from animals. The moral law within is derived from
that very reason. This poses the question then- what is moral and what
is not? How do we come to the conclusions that we do when we define
goodness and morality. What moral compass do we use? Is it religion? Philosophy? Our upbringing?
takes the question and uses a formula (similar to a mathematical
formula) to indicate what is morally correct and acceptable. He believed that a rigorous application of this method of reasoning would yield success in dealing with moral questions.
is a given that human beings have subjective impulses—desires and
inclinations that may contradict the dictates of reason. As our
reasoning often becomes questionable, Kant proposes his categorical
imperative (an unconditional moral law that applies to all rational beings and is independent of any personal motive or desire. The
unconditional moral principle that one's behavior should accord with
maxims which respect persons as ends in themselves; the obligation to
do one's duty for its own sake and not in pursuit of further ends.) :
“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
is, each individual agent regards itself as determining, by its
decision to act in a certain way that everyone, including itself, will
always act according to the same general rule in the future.
for example, the case of someone who contemplates relieving a financial
crisis by borrowing money from someone else, promising to repay it in
the future while in fact having no intention of doing so. (Notice that
this is not the case of finding yourself incapable of keeping a promise
originally made in good faith, which would require a different
analysis.) The maxim of this action would be that it is permissible to
borrow money under false pretenses if you really need it. But as Kant
pointed out, making this maxim into a universal law would be clearly
self-defeating. The entire practice of lending money on promise
presupposes at least the honest intention to repay; if this condition
were universally ignored, the (universally) false promises would never
be effective as methods of
borrowing. Since the universalized maxim is contradictory in and of
itself, no one could will it to be law, and Kant concluded that we have a
perfect duty (to which there can never be any exceptions whatsoever)
not to act in this manner.“ “http://www.philosophypages.com/hy/5i.htm
is to say that one should only act, in such a manner in which it would
be appropriate for everyone else to act, thus making it a universal law.
There are to be NO exceptions to this rule. One
cannot make any exceptions to this rule for the sake that it may benefit
the self. Each action we set forth should be a maxim that we would be
ok with if it were to become universalized. If the action is not
something that would benefit society- and if it would not be ok if
everyone else were engaging in this action, than this action is to be
considered morally wrong. If this is the case, than one should highly
consider taking another action.
provides a great moral compass here in my opinion. If there is ever any
doubt regarding a moral action, this really should solve the issues
rather quickly. It is an expanded version of the Golden Rule- do unto
others as you would have done to yourself, with an additional
application that each action should be something you would want others
to be doing as well, universally. It causes one to ponder what kind of
world it would be if we all acted in a manner that only benefitted the
self. People do what they want to all of the time without any
consideration of the consequences, but this is done solely with the lack
of reason and forethought.
grown up this way, with my moral compasses set forth early in life, it
brings me great satisfaction in doing the right thing. On occasion my
reason does get clouded and I do fall off of the wagon, but a good
reminder of Kant’s works on the subject quickly gets me aboard right
away. Quite often, we do not want to do the right thing- as emotion
clouds our reason. Just the other day I was with a friend pondering a
moral question over breakfast- wondering what action I should take over a
given situation. I told her I had no interest in doing the right thing-
as emotion was clouding my reason on the subject. She of course gave me
the lecture of “you’re going to do the right thing whether you like it
or not….” In a temper tantrum like demeanor- I agreed and said that I
would indeed do
the right thing while shoveling a fork full of eggs into my mouth and
bitching about how much I hated her for pointing out the right thing-
which of course I knew but refused to look at in my childish temperament
of the moment…Bitching -but thankful. One should surround themselves
with friends and people who will cultivate you to do the right thing…and
if there is no one around…there is always Kant to turn to.
Here's to a happy Monday filled with Good things! I hope it is a successful and productive one for each of you!
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