“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” ~ Fulton Oursle

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Divine Spark

Deep inside of Vatican City, lies one of the most famous and gorgeous fresco paintings done by Michelangelo. La Capella Sistena (The Sistine Chappel) paintings are divided into three sections -the Story of Creation, the Story of Adam and Eve and the Story of Noah. My absolute favorite part of the fresco is probably the most famous section – the Creation of Adam. This piece represents the Divine Spark God Gives to Adam. Here he receives his spirit, soul and intellect- The endless ability for divine potential.

Their fingers are outreached toward each other, close but not quite touching. This is symbolic of electricity- the energy we each have to create- our own divine spark. This is the divine spark that makes us come alive. And most importantly, we have the ability to pass on this divine spark to others.

I recently encountered a few phenomenal people who rekindled my divine spark. Their wonderful energy jolted me. I had seemed to have misplaced it over the years; maybe it was with a missing sock that the dryer sucked up?? Who knows?

The point is, that I have once again found it- and hope pass the positive energy on. I am so very thankful for that spark- it was an inspiration I needed greatly. I hope that each of you find some sort of divine spark in someone or something and are able to pass it on.

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