“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” ~ Fulton Oursle

Friday, May 11, 2012

I now smash and demolish- by my spoken words- every untrue record in my subconscious mind. Every Negative thought against myself and others, every worry, doubt and fear. It shall return to the dust heap of it its naïve nothingness, for it came from my own vain imaginings; I now make my perfect records through the positive energy within-the records of Perfect Health, Perfect Wealth, Perfect Love and Perfect Self-Expression and Authenticity of the self.  I am in charge of my own existence and happiness. No one can extinguish my inner light, my inner greatness and the radiating positive energy and its endless possibilities for the creation and manifestation of all things great in my. My choices are positive and I never miss a trick. I am open to my endless good.

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