“No- You need to leave a bit of space for Mr. Right’s shoes. If you ever want to have the right man for you in your life- you have to make room for him.”
Oooohhhhhh. Dang that’s right. Good point. Not that I want to manifest just any ole person to be in my life- but when Mr. Right does come along- I should make some space for him in my life. This is not an act of desperation by any means- but an act of faith alone for later on down the line. Its not even something on my mind right now at this point in my life- but we all want to be with the right person who is meant for us at some point. And whether its next year, or in ten- I will have dug my ditches for the things I want in life and they will have room to be filled.
The moral of this story is this-
“Man must prepare for the things he has asked for, even if there isn’t the slightest sign of it in sight. “ – Scovel Schinn
Whatever it is in life that we want- we must prepare for it ahead of time to give it room to manifest. To slightly act as if we already have it. No- I don’t have a screw loose- but its rather minor acts of faith to have the things in life that you want. If your life is crowded and jam packed from every corner- where is there room for the things you want??? They need a space they can be attracted to and that they can fill.
Whether it’s a job, an item you want, or relationship. Slough off the excess and remove the baggage- both physical and mental and make room for the things you want in order to have the best life possible.
It is a good time to do that spring cleaning and make room for what you want.
So true! Gotta leave room for the best stuff, not just the good stuff!
Angie @ Knick of Time
Thanks Angie! So very true!
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