Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do
are in harmony.
When any of the above combinations are not matching up- it
causes a great imbalance within the self which leads to unhappiness. Satisfaction
comes from honesty with the self. Happiness can only arrive when a person is comfortable
with his or her authentic self in any light- to include public and private
aspects of the self. A perfect life and a perfect self are unattainable because
it is not realistic. The key to attaining the harmony is balance. If there is
an area of your life out of balance, take a few moments to analyze it and see
how it can be balanced out to be something you are more comfortable with.
Perpetual self-improvement and higher goals and ideals lead
to better a better quality of life. The definition of insanity, according to Einstein,
is doing something repeatedly the same way expecting different results. Life is
a changeable force. Most situations can be changed for the better- but only IF
you want them to change. It is often the case that people complain, and when
provided with solutions to their problems, do not want to remedy the situation
in any way shape or form. Some individuals enjoy perpetual problems and a consistent
amount of drama in their lives. There are those who thrive on this type of
energy. If there is an issue in your life, and you claim you want to change it,
but haven’t yet- ask yourself why? Is there something you are getting out of
the perpetual problems? Are you enjoying some aspect of it at some level? That
may be the case, because if it weren’t you may have resolved the issues long
Cut out unhealthy patterns
and negative energies to make room for healthier life patterns and energies
that draw in the positive. If you took the time to look up from whatever it was
you’ve been fiddling with the last whoever knows how long, you might see there
is a bigger and better world out there other than that irrelevant thing on your
mind you’ve been obsessing over. Out with the old that is not working for you
and in with the possibility of new; balance the aspects of your life out and
enjoy the harmony. Happiness and endless good are abundant energies if we only
took half the energy to tap into them that we put into other things. A few
moments a day to partake in some self-analysis could be the key to your
By J. Brochu
Another great, positive post! While I may not always be as positive as I should be in my shark-infested waters, I am positively positive that you should write a book on being positive! Thank you for sharing and best wishes!
Thank you so much Richard. I am starting to work on a book. We shall see how that venture goes. Yes I do find that a positive attude is KEY in all of my affairs. It can be difficult maintaining, but I always get back to it! Hope your doing well. Take care! And thanks for reading.
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